• Uncategorized

    Nioh – A near endless amount of addicting gameplay

    Nioh is my favorite single player action game. I can describe the gameplay as driving some sort of hybrid between a sports car and a blender. You shift through four different stances to access various attacks and movement styles. The game rewards you with a stamina refund when you switch stances with correct timing. Mastering this can turn you into a whirlwind of aggression that never has to stop. The gameplay at its core shines enough that it’s still fun even if you play at a slower pace. Battles where you pay attention and react to an enemy’s attack patterns can feel like a chess game. As a bonus, you…

  • Uncategorized

    Dead Space 3 – Average Among Amazing

    Dead Space 3 has a reputation as one of the premiere examples of the “We want the Call of Duty audience” era of video games. Franchises of the day were being rebooted into casual friendly and bombastic versions of themselves. I’ve heard it described as “Jumping the shark on purpose”. While Dead Space 3; more specifically Electronic Arts, are guilty of trying to chase easy money. Dead Space 3 isn’t that much of a big change in the series. I’ve never heard much acknowledgement to the fact that Dead Space 2 had tons of action. The series had already departed from the pure horror genre in a pretty big way.…

  • A trip of a video game
    Single Player

    Hylics – Straightforward gameplay/absolute chaos everything else

    It’s a game in itself to try and describe Hylics. Hylics is an rpg maker game created by Mason Lindroth in 2015. It has the most basic controls and gameplay you could imagine while still being a blast. Everything else is weird as hell, it’s like the essence of 80’s and 90’s MTV transmuted into a video game. But it’s weirdness is not a bad thing at all mind you: Its Hylics’ defining strength. There is far more to praise about Hylics then there is to criticize it. You take on the role of Wayne; a rather zooted looking fellow that has a crescent for a head. Wayne kinda creeps…

  • Single Player

    Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver – A 90’s Storytelling Giant

    Its hard to describe how special Soul Reaver is. Growing up in the 90’s there was no other game like it. The voice acting, music and writing were a decade ahead of its time. Legacy of Kain was my biggest obsession as a kid and I have nothing but love and joy for the whole series. Soul Reaver came out in 1999 and still feels great to play. Its an aged wine that almost makes you forget the crazy advances in video games that have come since. Anyone even kind of interested in video games should give Soul Reaver a try. I would consider it one of the greatest games…

  • Single Player

    Dishonored – Murder everyone to save your city!

    Dishonored is a great game that begs repeat playthroughs. There’s tons of potential experimentation. Plenty of routes through the levels and a wide selection of powers and gadgets. The art style is amazing – it has a sort of gentle water colored look to it while the buildings and military themes stay oppressive and stark. The controls are also pretty snappy as well. This is the type of game that you can rehearse to become as stylish as you want – much like Devil May Cry. The voice acting is top class for every character and the story could rival any novel. Especially because there are dense files about the…

  • Multiplayer

    Chivalry 2 – The goodest/badest game in the world

    I love Chivalry 2, it’s like nothing else I’ve ever played. The pace of the fights and the chaotic synergy created by the mechanics make it feel like total war. You are immersed in a struggle against other players that’s like nothing else on the market. But it’s quite janky in it’s current state. The servers are held together with duct tape and broken promises. Torn Banner, the developer of the game, always comes up with amazing concepts. But then they forget what they were even doing in the first place. Leaving a rotting husk of abandoned potential and a bunch of people with depression. While not being a review,…

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