Dishonored – Murder everyone to save your city!
Dishonored is a great game that begs repeat playthroughs. There’s tons of potential experimentation. Plenty of routes through the levels and a wide selection of powers and gadgets. The art style is amazing – it has a sort of gentle water colored look to it while the buildings and military themes stay oppressive and stark. The controls are also pretty snappy as well. This is the type of game that you can rehearse to become as stylish as you want – much like Devil May Cry.
The voice acting is top class for every character and the story could rival any novel. Especially because there are dense files about the world all throughout the game. There’s as much backstory as anyone could want.
Experimentation – Dishonored’s Bread and Butter
There is so much you can do with the toolkit and the powers you’re given in Dishonored. You can create elaborate traps or kill everyone with surgical ambushes. Stop time, fire an arrow at a guys head and while the arrow is stuck in time – attach a spring razor to the arrow. Congratulations, you just blendered that guy and everyone around him.
Blink will be an invaluable tool for the whole game. It makes you the queen piece in a game full of pawns. Its the most efficient way to get around so you should all but spam it.
The other power I wanted to mention is the ability to summon rats. Its a glorious way to eliminate the opposition and also act as a distraction. It costs a lot of mana but its worth the carnage once in a while.
Murdering everyone can clash with the Chaos system though. As killing too many people can start to affect the outcome of the story. You don’t need to be too careful as the game is pretty lenient. But if you want the good ending you need to have a little self control.
Daud – The catalyst of Dishonored
Daud is the best. Michael Madsen gives a great performance and is a perfect fit for the character. Daud is a straight killer that doesn’t have much remorse for his storied career. He revels in who he is until his actions cause serious harm to the world. This one irredeemable action changes his life and turns him into one of the best anti-heroes of any game.
Corvo is a cool character. But Daud’s complicated relationship with everything makes him much more compelling. Corvo is a good dude trying his best. He has great motivation to compel him through the story, but his story is all too straightforward. He has no real responsibility for the tragic events he’s apart of. He’s an almost pure victim of circumstance.
Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?
Overall I loved Dishonored and would recommend it to almost anyone. Even if you’re not too big on rehearsing your game play to get sick youtube clips – you still have a great story to enjoy. I haven’t got around to playing the two sequels but I expect a great time.
There was a lot of love put into this game, its apparent all over the place. The art style as Ive mentioned before is beautiful and detailed even for a game that came out 12 years ago. Its a perfect example of what a video game can be if the passion is there. Give it a try if you want to be a teleporting supernatural assassin sometime!